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About Me

Hello!  I am DeeLynn Eason,  a Colorado-grown motivated and very dedicated Therapeutic Massage Therapist with intuitive hands and a soul knowing I was put here on this Earth to heal people who are looking for alternative options and overall body maintenance.  I attended a state-of-the-art school which gave me a solid medical foundation to pursue the sports/medical industry of my career.  I am extremely proud to offer Therapeutic Massage Therapy to clients who work and play hard. 

I also live a very active lifestyle including dirt biking, snowboarding, snowshoeiing, hiking, skydiving, mountain biking, etc., which play more of an important role than just a hobby.  They have been what have kept me alive, and my soul ignited during the most difficult times in my life.   Knowing we have the common ground, I want to keep you as physically able to keep chasing and participating in your athletic lifestyle and hobbies, I want to help you recover, refresh, rejuvenate and heal. I will help your body fight to get to the finish line, top of that mountain, through your next work week, regain mobility from injuries, and also help calm the nerves and improve circulation.

I look forward to having the honor of being your Therapeutic Massage Therapist, and look forward to meeting you!

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